367: New Year’s Resolutions?

367: New Year’s Resolutions?

Here’s to a (happy?) new year. The year I sit my HSC. The year that really, no matter who says otherwise, is going to be life-changing for me. It would only be fitting to compile a short list of things I would like to achieve or see happen during 2017:

1. Survive Year 12. I am expecting to suffer, be sleep-deprived, gain weight (or lose some, depending on how I play my cards), gain friends, lose friends, and go on one hell of a ride.

2. Get an interview from the universities I apply to for my course of choice (if you’ve been following for a while, yes, and no, it’s not medicine). As a side note, hopefully do well in UMAT. It would be a bonus to do well, but if not, then ATAR has to be extremely high. I’ll try. No promises though.

3. The easiest thing to maintain, in my opinion. STAY WITH HONEY FOR ALL 365 DAYS AND MORE. I failed and I have nothing more to add. 

4. Keep the blog running. Posts will be sparse, far and few in between, but I will try to aim for 5-10 posts a month (more in January, though…maybe). I love this blog and I definitely want to utilise it to preserve my memories of my last year of high school. Even though I am desperate to leave, I know I need to take my time and just enjoy each moment as it comes, because you’re only young for so long until the moment you’re living in just becomes another story to tell your children and their children.

5. Get my learner’s driving licence. Must happen in January though.
Update made 27 January 11.09 pm: I DID IT! I don’t want to jinx it but it might be the only test I score 100% in this year.

6. After HSC is over, complete at least 80% of the post-HSC bucket list (with my honey, of course).

7. Make new memories.

Of course, the list will stop there since having too many things on a to-do list will overwhelm me. There will inevitably be other things that pop up, but for now, these are good enough for me. I might have this stickied for a few months just to remind me of my goals and where I want to be.

~ Serendipitous

Edit (5.10 pm 15 May 2017): Yeah this year is life changing. I’ve experienced a more mature kind of heartbreak that I will no doubt experience again. But during my HSC year? Fuck that noise, honestly. But as most people on Reddit say, cut your losses now and save more of the heartbreak that will ensue later.

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